Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Are You a SAVER or a SPENDER?

Just for thoughts! - Charlz

Know more about your Financial Attitude!
From 10% to 100% Rate Yourself.
Are you a:
1.)    SPENDER             __________
2.)    SAVER                 __________
Note: The sum of the two must be equal to 100%

Did you rate yourself?
I hope so.. 
I hope you did not rate a full 100% to one of it!

The percentage you rated yourself is the rate you think or you wish you are doing right now. But the sad truth, most of us is doing the other way around, except for some few.
Are you that some few?

Let’s Test that: 
If you had rate yourself as  20% SAVER
And you are currently employed for 5 years with 
A monthly income of (let’s say) 10,000 (regardless of what currency).
By now you should have a SAVINGS of about 120,000
            How come?
Because 20% (the rate you rated yourself as a saver) of 10,000 is equal to 2,000
And your Annual Savings is 24,000 (2000x12months)
And 24,000 multiply it by the number of years you work (5years)
120,000 is the total saving you have if you considered yourself as a 20% saver.
Now, if you had done this correctly, Great! You are one step closer to Wealth!
and if not, its time for us to build our Saving Attitude.
Pay yourself first! means Save Money for yourself.
If you will not save for yourself, who will?
If not now, when?